Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching. - Adams

Another night covering the library.  I can’t complain…the money is good, it’s pretty easy work, and considering I came down with a killer cold this weekend and am just recovering now, I’m really grateful I’m not teaching tonight.  I’ve been home most of the weekend, enjoying my fireplace while nursing a glass of wine in my jammies and watching movies while having the cat shiatsu take care of my aching shoulders.  I’ve kept the lights out so my Peeping Tom can’t see too much (though he WAS in his underwear, sitting on his floor and looking in my window yet again Saturday night), and caught up on some much needed rest, so in another day or two, I will be back on the horse and ready to start living large on a tiny budget once more!

Hold me…I’m scared!

No kidding–I’m horrified!  Proclaimed to be one of the worst movies of all time, Troll 2 has developed a cult following and will be the featured film at this week’s Theatre of the Wild at the Cinema Arts Centre.  I just wish I wasn’t working late that night!

If you can’t make it Wednesday night, there are plenty of really bad horror flicks out there that are worth checking out!  Save yourself the Blockbuster fees and get yourself to your nearest library…believe it or not, many have a wide selection of movies available, and can do an ILL (inter-library loan) if you find that the movie you want is not at your branch.  My picks for some really fun bad movies:  look for anything by George Romero, Ed Wood, or produced in the 80’s.

Sing me a song…

It seems to be a quiet week gig-wise (however, that could be because certain musicians don’t post their gigs on their websites–come on, folks!  If you want to be seen, you have to update your sites!  If you are desperate and a complete luddite, start a blog…all you do is type, publish, and then email a link out to people so they can be kept up on your latest and greatest!  I REALLY should do a workshop on this sometime…) but the gigs I have found look really good–quality over quantity is always my preference!

This Thursday, catch a Miss Chris fave–Gathering Time is playing the Dine Huntington Outdoor Promenade…Wall Street, FREE!

This Friday, Tom Chapin performs at the Our Times Coffeehouse, 8PM, $15.  Also, Finch Mountain House Concerts features Terence Martin and Dan Bonis (with Ken Korb opening). For reservations and directions, call 631-661-1278. Potluck supper at 7PM followed by 8PM concert. $20 suggested donation per person.

This Saturday, catch Jenee Halstead and James O’Malley at the Hard Luck Cafe...$10 gets you in. Or catch the Rhythm Kings Acoustic Duo at one of my favorite places, the Grey Horse Tavern…

And rounding out the week on Sunday, University Cafe presents Willie Nile…don’t miss this show!  $20 in advance, $25 at the door.

(I’m really hoping my schedule lightens up again…my poor guitar has been relegated to a corner and has been untouched for the better part of a year now…I’d like to go back to taking lessons again!  However, methinks this time it won’t be with some 20 year old trying to teach me in the local music store where people who know me are walking around and making fun of me!)

Wine me, dine me…

…get yer mind out of the gutter!  And again, I must bitch and complain…why, oh, why are all the vineyards pricing their events way out of the budgets of most normal folk?  It really makes me crazy when I see event prices of $100 and up!  There’s a reason I only feature the same vineyards and wineries on this site again and again–they cater to the working class pocketbook.  I make a pretty decent living, and have been known to spend some serious coin on a wine if I feel it’s worth it.  However, I think I’m going to repost a link that’s been on this site before…Wine Spectator’s online courses are well reviewed and come in at well under the cost of tastings at most of the local vineyards.  Grab some friends, head on over to Swiftway for a few decent bottles, and make a night of it.

I’ve got an art on for you…

Okay…I KNOW it’s a really bad pun…but those who know me know I have a bawdy at best, and crude at worst sense of humor!  Sorry!  Anyhow, a couple of things worth checking out…the Heckscher Museum has a few new exhibits, and the Phoenix Gallery in Bellport just installed a new show this week…

All for now…next post will feature all things Halloweenie, so check back soon!  Have something that should be here?  Email me at cheapdateli@gmail.com…chat soon, you kooky cats!

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